Harry Chadha
Harry Chadha
Harry Chadha
New York, NY, USA
Harry Chadha (b. Houston, Texas) is a New York City-based architectural designer who works in the realms of space, furniture, fine art, product, and experience. He has developed a practice working with producers, artists, and agencies in various aspects of project creation, from concept to installation administration. Harry received his Bachelor of Architecture from Pratt Institute, where he participated in travel studios to Rome, Argentina, and Brazil and since has sat on juries as a guest critic at Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture and Columbia University GSAPP.
What is your favorite design book?
A Day at ElBulli, Albert Adrià and Juli Soler. Design approach within process to one of the most influential restaurants of all time. Beautiful imagery.
What is your favorite design object?
This carabiner, it is very nice.
A Day at ElBulli
A carabiner